OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK FROM 8AM - 6PM | Call (08) 9364 6633 | Lvl 1 / 39 Reynolds Road, Mount Pleasant, WA |

Reynolds Rd 7 Day Medical Centre is dedicated to providing top-quality healthcare to its patients.

Our Medical Staff are highly trained, fully qualified, accredited and experienced medical professionals who are committed to offering the best care possible. Due to our experience and expertise our practice qualifies as a training practice and you may see staff, nurses and medical students who are receiving ongoing training and development. This modern purpose built medical centre is designed for patient and staff safety and is equiped with state-of-the-art medical technology which assists our Drs to make accurate diagnoses and prescribe effective treatments. Designed around patient convenience and efficiency we are located in a central location with undercover parking, tremendous disabled access and surrounded by other colocated medical services, making it easy and efficient for our patients to access. Furthermore, we are open 7 days a week, making it convenient for patients to receive care when they need it, including weekends.

Meet our Medical Directors and Practice Principals, Dr. Brendan Kelly and Dr. Daniel Leahy. Both UWA-trained and fellows of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, they bring over 50 years of combined experience in general practice and management. With 10 years of rural practice and hospital emergency work, their broad expertise has shaped the successful management of over six medical centres. Our goal is to provide professional, affordable healthcare access 7 days a week.

Serving Our Local Community on This Site for Over 50 Years


Reynolds Road Medical Clinic was built on the current site in 1959 by local GP Dr Vern Teasdale who had graduated 4 years earlier. He was joined by Dr Ted Grigg and then Dr Michael Hill. Together and later with Dr Susan Giffiths, they forged a reputation for affordable quality care and extended 7 day access.

Today, more than 60 years later Reynolds Rd 7 Day Medical Centre proudly strives to continue the legacy of those founding Drs and staff.